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(Change Wiki Password)
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==== MediaWiki:WhiteList ====
==== MediaWiki:WhiteList ====
Where: 'WIKINAME' is a name of your wiki (e.g. 'M102', 'M103', etc...)
Where: 'WIKINAME' is a name of your wiki (e.g. 'M102', 'M103', etc...)

Revision as of 16:37, 24 September 2020


UBCMATH WIKI is a private wiki web site. If you are a member of Department of Mathematics and you want a private wiki space for your teaching course, please send a request to help@ugrad.math.ubc.ca.



Writing/Editing Article pages

Create a New Article

- Page names can not have any special characters ( e.g. [, ], {, }, |, #, <, > ).
- Do not use a namespace as an article name.
- Do not use a long article title.
  • Create a new article from a search box
- Enter the name of new article into a search box. If the name does not exist, Wiki will offer you to create it.
  • Create a new article from URL
  • Create a new article using a wikilink from your current article
- Let's say we want to create a new article named Math100 in our current article.

e.g. Create Math 100 page.

wiki syntax:
[[NewPage|Alternate text]]

[[Math100|Math 100]]

Formatting Article Pages

- Text with bold: Using three single quote or HTML tag <b>.

e.g. Create a bold text.

 Wiki syntax: Create a  '''bold''' text.
 HTML syntax: Create a  <b>bold</b> text.

- Text as italics: Using two single quote or HTML tag <I>.

e.g. Create an italics text.

Wiki syntax: Create an ''italics'' text.
HTML syntax: Create an <I>italics</I> text.

- Text as both bold and italics: Using five single quote or HTML tags <b><I>.

e.g. Create both bold and italics text.

Wiki syntax: Create both '''''bold and italics''''' text.
HTML syntax: Create both <b><I>bold and italics</I></u> text.

- Text with underlined: Using HTML tag <u>

e.g. This is underlined text.

HTML syntax: this is <u>underlined</u> text.

- Text as a monospaced: Using Wiki tag <code>

e.g. this is a monospaced.

Wiki syntax: This is a <code>monospaced</code>

- Add a horizontal bar: Use four dashes ( e.g. ---- )

- Line Break
- Press [Enter] key twice to insert a blank line between paragraphs.
- Insert HTML line break tag <br> to indicate a line break.

  • Section and Subsection
- Heading 2: Using two equal signs ( e.g. == Heading 2 == )
- Heading 3: Using three equal signs ( e.g === Heading 3 === )
- and so on...

  • Indentation
- You can indent a line or paragraph by adding a colon (:) at the beginning of line or paragraph.
- you get more indentation for every colon (:) you add.

  • Format text with HTML Tags
- The list of HTML tags supported by Wiki ( More help with MediaWiki HTML Tags )
     <b>          <big>          <blockquote>          <br>
     <caption>    <center>       <cite>                <code>
     <div>        <em>           <font>                <h1>
     <h2>         <h3>           <h4>                  <h5>
     <hr>         <i>            <li>                  <ol>
     <p>          <pre>          <s>                   <small>
     <strike>     <strong>       <sub>                 <sup>
     <table>      <td>           <th>                  <tr>
     <tt>         <u>            <ul>                  <!-- ... -->
- The HTML attributes supported by Wiki
     align         bgcolor        border        cellspacing
     cellpadding   char           cite          class
     clear         col            colgroup      colspan
     color         dir            face          frame
     headers       height         id            name
     rowspan       rules          scope         size
     span          start          style         title
     type          valign         value         width
- The HTML color with name supported by Wiki and you also can get HTML color code here
     Color          HTML Code
     -----          ---------
     Black          #000000
     Navy           #000080
     Green          #008000
     Teal           #008080
     Maroon         #800000
     Purple         #800080
     Olive          #808000
     Gray           #808080
     Silver         #C0C0C0
     Blue           #0000FF
     Lime           #00FF00
     Aqua           #00FFFF
     Red            #FF0000
     Fuchsia        #FF00FF
     Yellow         #FFFF00
     White          #FFFFFF

  • Suppressing wiki text
- Using wiki <nowiki> tag for non-formatting wiki
 e.g. <nowiki>Show Things as they are...</nowiki> 
- Using html <pre> tag to ignore wiki and html markup.
 e.g. <pre>Show Things as they are...</pre> 

Links and References

- Link to internal article: Using double square brackets. If article do not exist, it will allow you to create a new article.

e.g. Here is Math 100 article link.

Wiki syntax: [[article| Alternate Text]]
e.g. Here is [[Math100| Math 100]] article link.

- Link to other Namespaces
Wiki syntax: [[namespace:Article | Alternate Text]]

- Link to Category Pages
Wiki syntax: [[:Category:MyCategory | Alternate Text]]

- Link to an image
Wiki Syntax: [[Image:Filename|Alternate Text|Options]]

[[Image:file.jpg|wiki logo|100px|border]]
- Image options
Option          Meaning
------          -------
left            left align
right           right align
center          center align
none            default align
thumb           display a thumbnail image with a "caption" and an "enlarge" button 
thumbnail       same as thumb
frame           same as thumb but no "enlarge" button
frameless       default image
border          draw a box around image
###px           scale image to width of ### pixels

- Link to a media
Wiki syntax: [[Media:FileName|Alternate Text]]

[[Media:Document.pdf|Click to download]]

- Link with Anchors
Headings in article can be treated as an anchor for linking.
- Same article (e.g. [[#Links and References | Alternate Text]] )
- other article (e.g. [[ArticleName#Links and Referencs | Alternate Text]] )

- Link to external article: Using single square brackets.

e.g. Link to external site, UBCMATH WIKI.

Wiki syntax: [http://www.example.com| Alternate Text]
e.g. Link to external site, [https://wiki.math.ubc.ca| UBCMATH WIKI].

- Reference Method
Surrounding your URL with Single square brackets but without alternate text.

e.g. MathNet wiki site [1]

Wiki syntax: [WebLink]
e.g. MathNet wiki site [http://wiki.math.ubc.ca]

Using Lists

- There are three type of lists: Unordered, Ordered and Definition.
- You can use them separately or mix them together.
  • Unordered List
- Use the asterisk (*) sign at the beginning of each line for creating an unordered list.
- The number of asterisks you add before each line will indicate the level of unordered list.
e.g. ** will indicate a second-level, *** will indicate a third-level and so on...
- Put a wiki line break (HTML break tag or an empty line) at the end of previous list to start a new unordered list.

e.g. Unordered List

Wiki Syntax:

* First Level
** Second Level
*** Third Level

* First Level
** Second Level


  • First Level
    • Second Level
      • Third Level
  • First Level
    • Second Level

  • Ordered List
- Use the hash (#) sign at the beginning of each line to create order list.

e.g. Order List

Wiki Syntax:

# First Level
## Second Level
## Second Level
### Third Level

# First Level
# First Level


  1. First Level
    1. Second Level
    2. Second Level
      1. Third Level
  1. First Level
  2. First Level

  • Definition List
- Each definition term should start on a new line
- Definition term: use a semi colon (;) at the beginning of the line.
- The definition: use a colon (:) at the beginning of the definition text.

e.g. Definition List

Wiki Syntax:

; wiki
: A website that allows anyone to add, delete, or revise content by using a web browser


A website that allows anyone to add, delete, or revise content by using a web browser

Using Tables

  • Table syntax
- Create a table, we use curly braces and a vertical line ( e.g. {| |} where '{|' for open table and '|}' for close table).
- Add a caption to a table, we use a vertical line and a plus sign ( e.g. |+ ) at the beginning of the line.
- Add row header, we use sign ( e.g. ! ) at the beginning of the line.
- Add column header, we use double sign ( e.g. !! ).
- Create/Start table row, we use a vertical line and a dash ( e.g. |- ) at the beginning of the line.
- Create table column, we use a vertical line ( e.g. | ) at the beginning of the line.
- Each row must have the same number of cells as in other rows. If cell is blank, we must use html non-breaking space (&nbsp;)
- Table can be stylized by using HTML attributes and CSS directives.
- table: e.g. {| align="center" border="1" style="background:navy; color:white"
- row: e.g. |- style="background:white"
- cell: e.g. | style="color:green" | cell 11

e.g. Table

Wiki Syntax:

{| style="background:navy; color:white; width:75%" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" align="center"
|+ style="color:blue" | Table Caption
! Column 1 !! Column 2 !! Column 3
|- style="background:white; color:black"
| style="color:green" align="center" | Cell 11
| Cell 12
| Cell 13
|- style="background:#F2F2F2; color:black"
| Cell 21
| Cell 22
| Cell 23


Table Caption
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Cell 11 Cell 12 Cell 13
Cell 21 Cell 22 Cell 23

Magic Words

Magic word          Description
----------          -----------
__NOTITLE__         No article title page (add to the top of your article page).
__NOTOC__           No Table Of Content in article
__TOC__             Having Table of content at exact location
__FORCETOC__        Always has Table Of Content in article

*If wiki article has more than three headings, a table of contents of links will automatically appear above the first headings. There are more Magic words here.

Organizing Articles


- A subpage is a wiki article that sits underneath another article.
- A forward slash (/) in aticle title page will cause your page to be a subpage.
- There are two step to create subpage:
- Create a parent (Home) article page.
- Create a child (Subpages) article pages.

e.g. Organize articles of "W2013T1" with "SEC201" subpage

Wiki syntax:
1. Create a parent article page (e.g. W2013T1)
   [[W2013T1 | W2013T1]]
        |         |
        |          -> Alternate Text
         -> Parent (folder) article title page

2. Create a child (subpage) article title (e.g. SEC201)
   [[W2013T1/SEC201 | SECTION 201]]
                 -> Child (subpage) article title page

- More help with MediaWiki subpages


Change Wiki Password

- If you are a member of Math Department, you can change your password from our MathNet User services
- If you have a local account with UBCMATH WIKI, you can change your password from [this link] .

Customize Mediawiki pages


Where: 'WIKINAME' is a name of your wiki (e.g. 'M102', 'M103', etc...)
- Customize your Sidebar Menu.
- Please see MediaWiki Document

e.g. sample of our FAQ-Sidebar, https://wiki.math.ubc.ca/mathbook/FAQ/MediaWiki:Sidebar

** WikiFAQ|Wiki FAQ
** WikiAdmin|Site Admin


Where: 'WIKINAME' is a name of your wiki (e.g. 'M102', 'M103', etc...)
- White list your wiki article pages for 'Anonymous' and 'Authenticate' users.

e.g. sample of our FAQ-Whitelist, https://wiki.math.ubc.ca/mathbook/FAQ/MediaWiki:Whitelist

//Whitelist Pages

* WikiFAQ


//Add your public page below here
// e.g. * Main_Page

- '//' is a comment
- '* WikiFAQ' is your wiki page that you want to whitelist


Where: 'WIKINAME' is a name of your wiki (e.g. 'M102', 'M103', etc...)
- Allow to link your article page to the home page of your wiki by replacement the content of your wiki Mainpage with the name of your article page.

e.g. sample of our FAQ-Main_Page, https://wiki.math.ubc.ca/mathbook/FAQ/MediaWiki:Mainpage


Check install extensions

- wiki installed extensions