Course calendar
Important dates
- First Class: 06/01/2014
- Midterm: 13/02/2014
- Last Class: 08/04/2014
- Final: 22/04/2014
Topics by Week
Week of Jan 07
Topics: | Introduction to Linear Programming |
Reading: | VC, Chapter 1 |
Learning Goals: | 1. Write a linear optimization problem in terms of a linear program in standard form.
2. Interpret geometrically a linear program in two decision variables. |
Resources: | An interesting video on the geometry of linear programming. |
Notes: | Tuesday |
Week of Jan 14
Topics: | The simplex algorithm |
Reading: | VC, 13-24, 39-42 |
Learning Goals: | 1. Find an optimal solution for a linear program in standard form by using the simplex algorithm.
2. Implement the two-stage simplex algorithm on an initially infeasible linear program. |
Resources: | A couple of examples of the simplex algorithm, one with an infinite number of solutions, from Dr. Richard Anstee's website. |
Notes: | Tuesday |
Week of Jan 21
Topics: | Three things to watch out for: Infeasibility (continued), cycling, and unboundedness. |
Reading: | VC, 27-43. |
Learning Goals: | 1. Solve a linear program with an initially infeasible dictionary by using the two-stage simplex algorith.
2. Identify when the simplex algorithm is caught in a cycle and use Bland's rule to escape from the cycle. 3. Illustrate that a linear program is unbounded if there is no candidate for the leaving variable in one step of the simplex algorithm. 4. State the Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming. |
Resources: | |
Notes: | Tuesday
Thursday |
Week of Jan 28
Topics: | Duality Theory |
Reading: | VC, 54-62. |
Learning Goals: | 1. Write, and solve, the dual of a linear program.
2. State the weak and strong duality theorems. 3. State the relationship between unbounded/infeasible primal/dual dictionaries. 4. Use the "magic coefficients" from the primal problem to find the optimal solution of the dual problem. |
Resources: | A write-up on "magic coefficients" from Dr. Richard Anstee's website. |
Notes: | Tuesday
Thursday, see also a solution to the problem from class. |
Week of Feb 04
Topics: | Duality Theory, part 2: Complementary Slackness |
Reading: | VC, 62-65. |
Learning Goals: | 1. State the complementary slackness theorem.
2. Use the complementary slackness theorem to check that a given solution to a linear program is optimal. |
Resources: | |
Notes: | Tuesday |
Week of Feb 11
Topics: | Review and Midterm |
Reading: | |
Learning Goals: | |
Resources: | |
Notes: |
Week of Feb 18
Topics: | Reading Week, no classes |
Reading: | |
Learning Goals: | |
Resources: | |
Notes: |
Week of Feb 25
Topics: | Revised Simplex Algorithm |
Reading: | VC, 97-113 (skip "An Economic...") |
Learning Goals: | 1. Decompose a linear program into matrices $B, N, x_B, x_N, c_B, c_N,$ and $b$.
2. Implement the revised simplex algorithm on a linear program in standard form. 3. Solve the system $c_B^TB^{-1}$ using eta matrices. |
Resources: | A complete revised simplex algorithm example from Dr. Ozgur Yilmaz's website.
Side-by-side standard and revised simplex algorithm from Dr. Richard Anstee's website. A derivation of the revised simplex algorithm formulas from Dr. Richard Anstee's website. An example of eta matrices from Dr. Anstee's website. Note that he uses slightly different notation. Why should we care about performance? Because nanoseconds add up! |
Notes: | Tuesday |
Week of Mar 04
Topics: | Algorithmic Complexity and the Performance of the Simplex Algorithm |
Reading: | An introduction to complexity for the comp sci minded.
VC, Chapter 4 and pages 113-114. |
Learning Goals: | 1. Be able to calculate the number of basic steps required in a simple mathematical algorithm.
2. Write the complexity of an algorithm in Big O notation. |
Resources: | The complexity of some common algorithms. Pay attention to the chart at the end! |
Notes: | Tuesday |
Week of Mar 11
Topics: | General Linear Programs and Sensitivity Analysis (Part 1) |
Reading: | VC, Chapters 8 and 9 |
Learning Goals: | 1. Write a general linear programming problem in standard form and solve using the (revised) simplex algorithm.
2. State the correspondence between the primal and dual variables in a general linear program. 3. Identify how an optional dictionary may change in response to changes in |
Resources: | |
Notes: | Tuesday |
Week of Mar 18
Topics: | Dual Simplex Algorithm and Sensitivity Analysis (Part 2) |
Reading: | |
Learning Goals: | 1. Find an optimal solution to a given linear program by using the dual simplex algorithm.
2. Given an initially optimal dictionary, find, if needed, an updated optimal dictionary after changes are made to |
Resources: | An outline of the dual simplex algorithm. The example is in "tableau" form, but the connection to dictionary form should be clear.
An example of truck purchasing and sensitivity analysis from Dr. Anstee's website. A second example of sensitivity analysis from Dr. Anstee's website. |
Notes: | Tuesday |
Week of Mar 25
Topics: | Game Theory |
Reading: | VC, Chapter 15 (skip "further remarks..." |
Learning Goals: | 1. Describe the main features of a game.
2. Find the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium of a simple game. 3. Prove the minimax theorem using results from duality theory in linear programming. 4. Use the minimax theorem to find a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium. |
Resources: | Big Monkey Little Monkey
We played an insightful fishing game on Thursday, which was intended to simulate the Tragedy of the Commons. The most interesting part of this game is that it does not have an optimal solution, at least not with irrational agents (namely, you)! |
Notes: | Tuesday |
Week of Apr 01
Topics: | Other Optimization: integer linear programming and non-linear optimization |
Reading: | |
Learning Goals: | 1. Solve an integer linear program using the branch and bound method. |
Resources: | |
Notes: | Tuesday |
Week of Apr 08
Topics: | Final Exam Review |
Reading: | |
Learning Goals: | |
Resources: | |
Notes: |