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  1. Math Learning Centre
  2. UBC Math Club
  3. AMS tutoring services


  1. Piazza
  2. Syllabus
  3. UBC Math Exam/Educational Resources wiki, MER
  4. Archive of previous Math 103 final exams
  5. Paul's Online Course Notes
  6. Math 24: Calculus - Integration of functions


  1. Past final exam analysis
  2. Wikipedia list of integrals
  3. Wikipedia list of trigonometric identities
  4. Traditional list of integrals in book form (digitized by Google)


  1. Wolfram Mathematics online integrator

Piazza - online forum

Piazza is an online discussion forum that is specially designed to get help quickly and efficiently from classmates, TAs, and course instructors. Since all sections are using the same forum we expect a lot of activity - students helping students!

Signing up for Piazza

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to Math 103 Piazza page.
  2. Click Enroll in Course
  3. Enter the class access code Piazza Code/2018W2
  4. Click the radio button to join as "Student".
  5. Click Add Classes.
  6. Provide your email address. Note the email address does not need to end in
  7. Read the post on features and rules for posting on Piazza
  8. Start asking questions, reading other students' questions, answering other students questions and finding study partners on Piazza.

If you have any problems or feedback for the developers, email