- When I try to log in, clicking on the login link doesn't seem to do anything. How do I get past this?
- Check the "cookies" setting on your browser. WeBWorK sometimes needs to leave a cookie on your computer.
- Sometimes I have trouble logging in to WeBWorK and I get an error. Is the problem on my side or is the WeBWorK server not working?
- Usually when this happens, there is some subtle thing going wrong with your browser's communication with the server, even though it might seem like you're doing exactly the same thing as the last time you logged in. There are some general things that you can try like a forced-reload (Shift+Command+R on a Mac, Ctrl+F5 on Windows, F5 on Linux), clear your cache, close the tab you're using and open WeBWorK in a new tab, or restart your browser. WeBWork usually works with all the popular browsers but sometimes it helps to have a second browser to try when the first one doesn't work. Google Chrome and Firefox are fairly reliable.
- I got the error message "Access Denied. You have successfully logged in to MATH_XXX_YYY_ZZZZW2 but you do not have access to this course." I'm in the course. What's wrong?
- Double check that the course, section number, year and term are correct. If they are, contact your instructor (or the WeBWorK TA if the instructor has indicated that all technical problems should be directed to a WeBWorK TA) and ask them to make sure you are registered in the WeBWorK course. The SSC registration information does not always get transferred to the WeBWork server immediately.
- How do you represent an interval on the real line in WeBWorK? I learn to write it as \(-6<x<4\) but WeBWorK didn't accept that.
- WeBWorK usually accepts interval notation. The interval you tried would be written as \((-6,4)\) where the round brackets indicate strict inequalities. If you were trying to enter the interval \(-2\le x <1\) that would be \([-2,1)\) in interval notation. If your interval goes to $\pm\infty$, then you would enter "(-infinity, 5]" or "(-3, infinity)" or "(-infinity, infinity)". Not being a number, $\infty$ is never included so it always gets a round bracket.
- Can we open an assignment once, work on it and then close it and come back and work on it another time?
- Provided you log in again and submit all your answers before the due date/time and before the time limit for the assignment (if there is a time limit on the assignment in question), you can log in as many times as you like. The answers you enter into WeBWorK prior to logging out should still be there but if you are logged out because of a browser glitch, your answers may not get saved. If you have trouble or want to avoid risking it, you can download a PDF of the assignment, work on paper and then enter your answers into WeBWorK all at the same time. Note that there may be restrictions are on the number of times you can submit answers - each question might be different and that information is stated with the question - and WeBWorK will count all attempts even if they occur during different login sessions.
- I've changed into a different section of the same course and now I can't log in to my new section's WebWork. What should I do?
- Send an email to the instructor of your new section (or the WeBWorK TA if the instructor has indicated that all technical problems should be directed to a WeBWorK TA) stating your name, student number and your old section number. Keep using your WeBWork account on the old section, and switch to the new section when the system allows you.
- If I put units into the answer box do I get it wrong?
- Most likely, the problem is programmed to accept a numerical answer only so you would get it wrong. Unless the question states otherwise, enter only the numerical values, without units. If units are required for an answer, they will be included just after the box. When units are required and you don't see them already there just after the box, please hit your "email instructor" button so the omission can be fixed.
- Why does the midterm review have such an early due date?
- The midterm review is not for points so you don't have to complete it before the deadline and you can still work on it after the deadline. The reason the deadline is so early is that the answers are automatically made visible after the deadline and you probably want a bit of time before the midterm to look those over.
- Q
- A