Course policies and information/Getting help

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Text-like resources

If you find yourself struggling with the course material, there are several options for getting help. These include

Face-to-face help

Of course, there are face-to-face options as well.

  • Your instructor holds office hours (see menu bar for section links) for you to drop in and discuss course content.
  • The Math Learning Centre is staffed by friendly graduate students. Sit at a table to work with other Math 102 students, and ask for help from the tutors when you need it.
  • Other students in the course are an important resource. Ask the person sitting next to you if they want to work on homework together, or meet at a coffee shop to study for the next exam. Talking to strangers is hard, but having a community is helpful and important. If someone asks for help, keep in mind that teaching someone is a fantastic learning opportunity. Being able to do a problem on the homework is great, but often we learn even more when we're put in the position of explaining it to someone else.
  • The AMS provides free group tutoring sessions. For independent, paid tutors, check bulletin boards around the math building.

Online forum

In addition, the course has an online discussion forum where you can ask questions and look at questions asked by your peers. Answers will be posted by your peers, the course TAs and the instructors. In general, the TAs and instructors will respond in a timely manner which might mean during their next office hour so don't expect to get help from them at the last minute before a midterm or exam. However, there are often students on the forum at all hours of the day so someone might answer your question right away.

If these options prove insufficient, you can request contact information for a private tutor from the Math Department office.

Help with other issues

Student Services at UBC has a variety of programs to help you stay happy and healthy. A good place to start is here: LiveWell

UBC provides services to address, among other things: illness and injury, mental health and wellbeing, sexual assault (for people of all genders), other violence, discrimination and harrassment, diversity, disability, and ongoing medical considerations. If you have legal issues, you might be able to get help from the Law Students' Legal Advice Program. The Office of Equity and Inclusion is a good place to go if you want more information about maintaining an environment that is respectful, especially with regards to interculturality, LGBT*QIA status, race, students who are parents, etc. The Office of Access and Diversity provides disability support.

If something comes up during the semester that interferes with your academic progress (such as an illness, or caring for a loved one) contact your faculty advising office as soon as possible. You can find them here.

The province has an excellent website with information on mental health, including an online screening tool and resources: Here To Help. The Vancouver Access & Assessment Centre (AAC) is a point of entry for concerns about mental health and substance abuse, and they also have a call line if you just want to talk to someone.

Education is a tool for a better life, from increased earning potential to a heightened appreciation for the beauty and complexity in the world. Your real life extends far beyond the boundaries of this campus. It's important that you don't let your education interfere with your physical or emotional health.