Supporting materials for computational WeBWorK problems

Revision as of 18:00, 10 October 2013 by Cytryn (Talk | contribs)

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Here are some screencasts demonstrating spreadsheet techniques that will be useful for doing your spreadsheet-based webwork problems. These will continue to appear as the term progresses so keep coming back to see the newest ones.

For those using Excel or similar spreadsheets

The first three screencasts below are difficult to see on youtube due to compression. Until they are replaced with better quality versions, it is preferable to watch the full sized versions. However, this might not be possible in LSK 121 until a proper viewer is installed on those machines.

Title Full version Compressed youtube version
How to plot the graph of a function full youtube.
How to zoom in and out on a graph of a function full youtube.
How to add a second graph to a plot full youtube.
Understanding the wagon wheel effect full youtube.
Finding antiderivatives numerically full part 1, part 2.
Fitting a line to data (part 1 - $y=ax$) full N/A yet.
Fitting a line to data (part 2 - $y=ax+b$) full N/A yet.

Feel free to request other screencast topics either on Piazza or by emailing Prof. Eric Cytrynbaum.

For those using MathSheet