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Links to the OSH pages can be found below. Your OSH answers should be written up neatly. If you use more than one piece of paper, they should be stapled together. Messy, unstapled or disorderly submissions may be rejected at the discretion of your instructor.

For examples of how to write up your work, check out the examples demonstrating how to write up your answers.

OSH Assigned Due
OSH 1 - Cell growth Wed, Sept 5 Mon, Sept 9 (10)*
OSH 2 - Mon, Sept 9 Mon, Sept 16 (17)*
OSH/3 - Mon, Sept 16 Mon, Sept 30 (Oct 1)*
OSH/4 - Mon, Sept 30 Mon, Oct 16 (17)*
OSH/5 - Mon, Oct 16 Mon, Oct 28 (29)*
OSH/6 - Mon, Oct 28 Wed, Nov 11 (12)*
OSH/7 - Mon, Nov 11 Wed, Nov 25 (26)*

*For Section 105, which meets on Tuesday and Thursday, the OSH are due a day later than the other sections at the start of class (the date in parentheses).