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CrowdMark FAQ

  1. I don't see the email from CrowdMark to upload my work.
    First, that's not a question. Second, if it's still several days till the due date, probably the email hasn't been sent out yet. Third, if the email's been sent out (within a few days of the due date), check your spam filter. Fourth, if the above fail, ask your instructor to re-send you the email.
    We've let the good folks at CM know that gmail accounts have been sometimes filtering out their emails. Hopefully this will be resolved. In the meantime, if your email does get marked as spam, you can add the address to your "safe senders" list so that future emails are delivered appropriately.

  2. Can I upload to CrowdMark from my phone?
    Not reliably. Try using a computer.

  3. Do I have to submit separate pages for each question?
    Try to match them to the way the crowdmark assessment is set up on the webpage. Does it contain only one question? Then submit your entire assignment as one file. Does it contain different questions for different portions of the assignment? Split your work into files accordingly.

  4. But then why does CrowdMark say that thing about one question per page?
    CrowdMark chops up your assignment into however many questions we tell it to. This is for ease of grading and grade recording: the TAs can grade, for instance, all the first questions, then all the second questions, and CrowdMark will generate places for the separate marks. If you upload two questions to one space, then it's awkward to record your grade, because you've got two grades going in one space.
    The picture below is what the graders see: the number in the far left is in lieu of your personal information; the boxes on the right are different questions (in this case, there are three of them); the grade for each question is recorded as it is graded. CM GradeView.png

  5. How does CrowdMark know who I am?
    We upload a spreadsheet to CrowdMark that has your name, student ID, and email address. Crowdmark sends a unique upload link to your email address, and when you use the link CrowdMark recognizes who you are.