Section links/Section 101

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Instructor information

Instructor: Eric Cytrynbaum
Phone: 604-822-3784
Office: MATX 1219
Office hours: Hours TBA or by appointment (email me)

Important dates

Important dates/2018

Course-wide policies

Course policies

Section-specific policies


We will be using clickers for this class. I will ask roughly 3-6 clicker questions during each class. There will be no points associated with getting the correct answer. However, provided you register your clicker through Blackboard Connect (step-by-step instructions), I will replace your 30% midterm score with a 29% midterm score + 1% clicker participation score. Your clicker participation score is the number of lectures in which you click for at least 75% of the questions divided by the total number of lectures.

Class etiquette

Cell phones should be turned off during class. Use of laptops in class is acceptable when computer software (e.g. Excel) is being discussed but not otherwise unless you use it for taking notes.

Re-marking requests

If you feel that a returned homework assignment or midterm is incorrectly marked, you can appeal that mark by writing a note that details your concern, attaching it to the assignment, and resubmitting it to the instructor within one week of the return of the marked assignment. The note should include a summary of what you feel was incorrectly evaluated with some justification of the claim.