MATH 103 - Integral Calculus with Applications to Life Sciences

Revision as of 14:22, 1 December 2017 by Hauert (Talk | contribs)

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Course Overview

This course in integral calculus complements technical content with applications and examples drawn primarily from life sciences. The course starts by calculating areas and approximating the area using thin stripes as an introduction to Riemannian sums, which then lead to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Applications of integration include determining the center of mass, calculating volumes and lengths of curves. After introducing different techniques of integration further applications are discussed in the context of continuous probability distributions as well as differential equations. After an exploration of series and sequences the course ends with an introduction to Taylor polynomials.

See the UBC Calendar entry for Math 103 for course prerequisites.

Important Dates

Term start: Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Midterm break: February 20-24, 2017
Term end: Thursday, April 6, 2017
Family day: Monday, February 13, 2017, no classes
Midterm 1: Tuesday, February 7, 2017, 60mins between 5:30-6:30 pm. Location: N/A.
Midterm 2: Wednesday, March 15, 2017, 60mins between 5:30-6:30 pm. Location: N/A.
Final exam: Friday, April 21, 2017 3:30-6pm. Location: see below.


  • final exam material: chapters 1-12 in the online course notes; optional material is, well, optional; expect a slight bias towards material covered since the second midterm.
  • Solutions for second midterm available (as well as for the alternate sitting).
  • The second midterm is cumulative and includes material from chapter 1-8, i.e. up to and including continuous probability. The emphasis will be on material covered since the first midterm (chapters 5-8).
  • The MLC is again holding two review sessions for the second Math 103 midterm facilitated by Thomas Rud:
  1. Monday March 13, MATH 100 from 5-7pm
  2. Tuesday March 14, MATH 100 from 5-7pm.
  • Updated timeline for OSH5 and beyond posted.
  • OSH5 is post-poned and will be due only after the second midterm.
  • Solutions for first midterm available.
  • Due to the bad weather conditions and the transit chaos on Friday, February 3rd, OSH 2 submissions will also be accepted on Monday, February 6th. Please do not submit your OSH electronically.
  • The MLC is holding two review sessions for the first Math 103 midterm facilitated by Thomas Rud:
  1. Friday February 3rd, CHEM D 200 from 5-7pm
  2. Monday February 6th, CHEM D 200 from 5-7pm.
  • Times and locations for first midterm have been finalized (note: this resolves conflicts with MICB 202 and CPSC 210).
  • Conflicts for our two midterms must be reported to your instructor by Friday, January 13, by email including the reason for the conflict (e.g. course number and time of another class or midterm).
  • Happy 2017 and a good start into the new term!
  • Requests for joining Math 103 or changing sections should be directed to the undergraduate chair after carefully reading the registration issues information page.

Exam Information

Detailed information on midterms and final exam will be posted here as the course progresses.

For an excellent preparation for exams, please check out the Math Exam/Education Resource (MER). The MER wiki embeds the Math 103 syllabus in the front page, so you can directly access problem types that potentially appear on your midterms and final exam.

The Math department also keeps and archive of past Math 103 final exams.

A list of formulas to be given on the exam can be found on the formula sheet page.

Final Exam Details


Sections Location
201 & 203 OSBO A
202 & 207 SRC B
206 & 212 SRC C
208 & 209 SRC A

Important: students must write their final exam with their section - take note of the proper location!


Section specific information and announcements are available on section specific pages:

Section 201: Christoph Hauert

Section 202: Saikat Mazumdar

Section 203: Christoph Hauert

Section 206: Dijana Kreso

Section 207: Martin Lohmann

Section 208: Samatha Dahlberg

Section 209: Samatha Dahlberg

Section 212: Nate Bade

Course Material & Resources

For relevant links, see navigation menu to the left.

Course Schedule and Syllabus
Outline of the course schedule and syllabus (containing a number of problems and answers) as well as the grading scheme.
Course Notes & Exercises
The course notes by Prof. Leah Keshet. Either download as you wish for free or purchase a bound version at copiesmart
Online WeBWorK homework is assigned on a weekly schedule (with few exceptions due to midterms). In case of troubles, first check out the WeBWorK FAQ.
Old-School Homework
Traditional homework is assigned on a bi-weekly schedule. Your work and solutions must be submitted on paper to your instructor.
Online Forum
We are using Piazza as a class forum for online discussions - see instructions on how to sign up on Piazza.
Other Resources
Other resources including past exams and policies.