Pre-lecture videos
Video link | Video contents | |
Week 1 | [1] | Power functions - when is xn>xm and where do they intersect. Introduction to even and odd functions. |
[2] | Cell size and nutrient balance: cell volume and area and the role of power functions in describing cell size limitations. | |
[3] | Sketching simple polynomials (y=x^3-ax). | |
Week 2 | [4] | Approximating a rational function near the origin. |
[5] | Approximating a rational function for large x. Introduction to Hill functions. | |
[6] | Sketching Hill functions by hand and by Desmos (see Hill functions demo). Comparing Hill functions with different parameter values. | |
See video [1] above for an introduction to even and odd functions and also Sec 1.2.3 and Appendix C.D of the course notes. | ||
[7] | Average rate of change and secant lines. Instantaneous rate of change. | |
[8] | Definition of the derivative. | |
[9] | Continuity - definition and examples of three types of discontinuities. | |
[10] | Examples of computing the derivative of a function from the definition of the derivative. | |
Week 3 | [11] | Derivatives: analytic, and geometric (zoom in on a point). Sketching f′(x) given f(x) (intro). |
[12] | Using a spreadsheet to graph a function and its (approximate) derivative. | |
[13] | Derivatives of polynomials. | |
[14] | Rules of differentiation: Antiderivatives of polynomials. | |
[15] | Rules of differentiation: Product and quotient rules. | |
Week 4 | [16] | Equation of a Tangent line. |
[17] | Generic Tangent line and intro to Newton's method. | |
[18] | Tangent lines and linear approximation. | |
[19] | Introduction to Newton’s method - how it works and the formula for successive estimates. | |
[20] | Introduction to Newton’s method - how to carry it out with a spreadsheet. | |
[21] | Introduction to Newton’s method - how to choose a good x0. | |
Week 5 | [22] | Increasing, decreasing and critical points. |
[23] | Concavity and inflection points. | |
[24] | Largest area of a rectangle inscribed in a semicircle | |
[25] | Absolute Maximum and Minimum Values of a Function - Calculus I | |
Week 6 | [26] | Kepler's Wedding - A wine optimization problem. (Blooper alert: want to get most wine for given budget) |
[27] | Optimal Foraging. | |
Week 7 | [28] | Least Squares - finding the best fitting line y=ax through a set of data points. See also the Fitting data supplement to the course notes. |
[29] | Chain Rule: general introduction with examples | |
[30] | Chain Rule: an applications to optimization problems involving plovers and crocodiles. | |
Week 8 | [31] | Implicit differentiation. |
[32] | Related Rates. | |
[33] | Exponential functions and doubling. | |
[34] | Exponential functions: derivative of ax. | |
Week 9 | [35] | Inverse functions and logarithm, applications of logs. |
[36] | Differential equations for growth and decay. | |
[37] | A differential equation for human population growth. | |
[38] | A simple differential equation problem. | |
Week 10 | [39] | Geometry of change: (I) Slope fields. |
[40] | Geometry of change: (II) State space. This one is more relevant to the pre-lecture questions but you should watch both. | |
[41] | The Logistic equation I (state space and slope field). | |
[42] | The Logistic equation II (state space and slope field). | |
Week 11 | [43]. | Solving differential equations of the type dy/dt=a−by. |
[44] | Solving differential equations approximately using Euler's Method - theory. | |
[45] | Solving differential equations approximately using Euler's Method - spreadsheet. | |
Week 12 | [46] | Disease dynamics I |
[47] | Disease dynamics II | |
[48], [49] | Introduction to Trigonometric Functions and review of trigonometric identities. | |
[50] (LEK),EC | Trigonometric Functions and cyclic processes, phase, amplitude, etc. (fitting a sin or cos to a cyclic process), Inverse trig functions. | |
Week 13 | [51] | Derivatives of trig functions, related rates examples. |
[52][53] | The Escape Response and trigonometric related rates. |