Section links/Section 101/Lecture slides

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I will post lecture slides after class. The links below that are blue have been posted. The red links are not yet posted. The "Screen" version shows every stage of the slides, as shown in class. The "Print" version is not great for actual printing (many slides are white on dark grey) but are smaller files with all stages collapsed into a single page (sometimes with overlapping text).

Lecture Screen version "Print" version
Week 1 Lecture 1 - Sep 3 pdf pdf Intro to MATH 102, Shapes of cells
Lecture 2 - Sep 5 pdf pdf Shapes of cells, asymptotics (when x is small/large)
Week 2 Lecture 3 - Sep 8 pdf pdf Graphing simple polynomials, Hill functions
Lecture 4 - Sep 10 pdf pdf Secant lines, tangent lines and the derivative
Lecture 5 - Sep 12 pdf pdf Limits and continuity
Week 3 Lecture 6 - Sep 15 pdf pdf Differentiability, tangent lines and sketching f'(x) given f(x)
Lecture 7 - Sep 17 pdf pdf Sketching f'(x) given f(x)
Lecture 8 - Sep 19 pdf pdf Power, product and quotient rules, antiderivatives of power functions
Week 4 Lecture 9 - Sep 22 pdf pdf Tangent line problems
Lecture 10 - Sep 24 pdf pdf Linear approximation and Newton's method
Lecture 11 - Sep 26 pdf pdf Increasing, decreasing, critical points. First and second derivative test.
Week 5 Lecture 12 - Sep 29 pdf pdf Concavity and inflection points.
Lecture 13 - Oct 1 pdf 1,pdf 2 pdf Critical points, inflection points - summary. Examples.
Lecture 14 - Oct 3 pdf 1,pdf 2 pdf Graphing (using the type of analysis covered in the last 3 lectures). Absolute extrema.
Week 6 Lecture 15 - Oct 6 pdf pdf Optimization (goat, Kepler).
Lecture 16 - Oct 8 pdf pdf Foraging
Lecture 17 - Oct 10 pdf pdf
Week 7 Lecture 18 - Oct 15 pdf pdf Best fit models y=ax, y=ax+b.
Lecture 19 - Oct 17 pdf pdf Composition of functions, chain rule, related rates.
Week 8 Lecture 20 - Oct 20 pdf pdf Related rates and implicit differentiation
Lecture 21 - Oct 22 pdf pdf Power rule for x^{m/n} (implicit diff), review and derivative of exponential function.
Lecture 22 - Oct 24 pdf pdf Review and derivative of ln(x)
Week 9 Lecture 23 - Oct 27 10am (S101) 1pm (S103) MATH 599 Guest lecture slides
Lecture 24 - Oct 29 pdf pdf Translating from word problem to IVP, solving y'=a-by
Lecture 25 - Oct 31 pdf pdf Solving y'=a-by, intro to the Halloween murder case.
Week 10 Lecture 26 - Nov 3 pdf pdf Murder mystery on Halloween
Lecture 27 - Nov 5 pdf pdf Euler's method
Lecture 28 - Nov 7 pdf, excel pdf Euler's method spreadsheet. Qualitative analysis of DEs.
Week 11 Lecture 29 - Nov 10 pdf pdf Qualitative analysis of DEs. Slope fields, phase line (state space), stability of steady states (continued from last lecture).
Lecture 30 - Nov 12 pdf pdf Qualitative analysis of DEs continued.
Lecture 31 - Nov 14 pdf pdf The many faces of the logistic equation.
Week 12 Lecture 32 - Nov 17 pdf pdf A real-life optimization problem.
Lecture 33 - Nov 19 pdf pdf Trigonometry review
Lecture 34 - Nov 21 pdf pdf Trigonometry review and rhythmic processes
Week 13 Lecture 35 - Nov 24 pdf pdf Rhythmic process example. Derivatives of sin/cos.
Lecture 36 - Nov 26 pdf pdf Trigonometry derivatives and related rates.
Lecture 37 - Nov 28 pdf pdf Inverse trig functions and their derivatives.